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Winetours from cologne

JuBo Wine Tours: Wine and Culinary Experience Tours

Whether romantic trip for two, birthday trip, company outing, bachelorette party or simply an eventful and enjoyable day / days: JuBo Wine Tours is a special tour operator with the main theme of wine and offers various trips from Cologne to the most beautiful wine regions of Germany and Europe. Always including wine tastings, cellar tours, vineyard walks and culinary highlights. Gladly also tailored to individual needs. Would you like to enjoy an informative and enjoyable day outside the hustle and bustle of the big city? JuBo Wine Tours will take you directly from Cologne with a modern coach to a German wine region and back.

Julia and Boris love their city. Cologne is their home. They are connected to Carnival, they know the city inside out, can tell a lot about its history - especially its wine history - and like to spend their free time in their Veedel Klettenberg or on the Rhine. That's why they wanted to create a wine that expresses their bond. Which they would buy themselves, not only because it is carefully selected, hand-picked grapes, gently processed and simply tastes great, but also because the bottle design brings a piece of home to their friends and family.



Middle Rhine day trip: Visit the winemakers of the Siebengebirge

Get to know the almost unknown wine region around Königswinter in the Siebengebirge in one day.


Ahr day trip: An enjoyable day at the Ahr

Spend an eventful day with us with various wine tastings and culinary highlights.



Explore the Middle Rhine - with a boat trip to the highest cold water geyser on earth

On this exciting day trip you will experience natural wonders up close.


Moselle day trip

On this day trip to the Moselle, you will get to know one of the world's most famous German wine-growing regions in more detail.



Business & Wine

Spend an enjoyable and relaxing day with your employees / work colleagues in a wine location of your or our choice.

Köln oder Wunschort

Bachelorette party / bachelor party wine trip from Cologne or desired location.

We organize a unique bachelorette party for you with the main theme of wine. The bride or groom are Wine Queen/King today.


entdecken Sie die Vielfalt

Erfahren Sie hier aktuelle Termine und Informationen zu unseren professionellen unterschiedlich thematischen Weinverkostungen in Köln. Auf Anfrage bieten wir gerne private Weinverkostungen zu individuell besprochenen Themen in unseren Verkostungsräumlichkeiten, bei Gastronomie-Partnern, in befreundeten Weinbars oder bei Ihnen zu Hause an.

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Verschenken Sie Freude

Sie möchten ein Weinerlebnis verschenken? Dann verschenken Sie doch einen Gutschein von JuBo Wine Tours. Dieser kann eingelöst werden für all unsere Weinreisen, für die Weinführung durch Köln und auch auf unser Wein- und Weinaccessoire-Sortiment. Verschenken Sie etwas Besonderes. Wir beraten Sie gerne und verpacken individuell nach Ihren Wünschen und versenden an Ihre Wunschadresse. Falls der richtige Gutschein noch nicht dabei ist, senden Sie uns eine Email mit Ihren Wünschen an: info@jubowinetours.com oder rufen Sie uns an unter:
‎+49 221 78995593.

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