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Wine-hopping through the beautiful Sülz

Wine-hopping through the beautiful Sülz
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Wine-hopping through the beautiful Sülz

Get to know great restaurants and wines with us. The wine-hopping tour takes us through the wine restaurants in Cologne-Klettenberg and Sülz. We will drink a wine in each of four different restaurants. Accompanying this, there will be a small snack at each place, such as some bread with a delicious dip.

Finally, there will be a snack in the JuBo Weinhaus and here we can finish the evening together with an open end. Of course, drinks and à la carte meals can still be ordered here.

Das Event wird durchgeführt ab 4 Personen.

The event takes place every second and last Saturday of the month.


Die unten stehende Nummer beinhaltet Tickets für diese Veranstaltung aus dem Warenkorb. Durch einen Klick auf "Tickets kaufen" können vorhandene Teilnehmerinformationen bearbeitet sowie die Ticketsanzahl verändert werden.
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Event Details
10. August 2024
16:00 - 21:00
Cost per ticket:
Hirschbergstraße 28
Köln, NRW 50939 Germany
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+49 221 78995593