JuBo wine house
Visit us and experience a great wine tasting.
On request, we are happy to offer private wine tastings on individually discussed topics in our beautiful tasting room in the newly opened restaurant JuBo Weinhaus in Cologne-Klettenberg. We are also happy to organize private tastings at your home.
Spontaneous wine tastings on site are possible at any time - just come in and enjoy. No matter how many people.
4 wine tasting 17€
6 wine tasting 22€
Individual wine tasting with exciting explanations about the wine and a lot of fun:
6 wines, plenty of snacks and water - 49€ - Please register in advance here or at: reservierung@juboweinhaus.de
Ihr möchtet ein individuelles und exklusives Event planen? Sprecht uns gerne an oder schreibt uns eine Mail: events@juboweinhaus.de Wir planen gemeinsam mit Euch und unserem Chefkoch individuelle Menüs die Euren Wünschen entsprechen (auch abweichend von unserer Karte). Wir kreieren Euch einen unvergesslichen Abend mit Freunden, Kollegen oder Familie.
Opening hours
closed (Außer wenn Events stattfinden)
17:00 - open end (Cocktail Night, Auswahl an kleinen Snacks)
17:00 - open end
17:00 - open end
17:00 - open end
11:00 - 15:30 (Brunch)
All roads lead to the wine house.